
Inclusive education is the key to alleviating and significantly reducing illiteracy and financial bondage. Ironically, Africa possesses two significant factors to solve this problem—human and natural resources. The goal is to move past the lack of school facilities as being the only source of education. Improved access to quality education plays a pivotal role in nurturing resilience, personal development, and effective coping mechanisms among individuals. The initiatives of governmental authorities aimed at augmenting educational opportunities possess the capacity to proactively mitigate socioeconomic challenges, culminating in a citizenry endowed with substantial mental resilience.
•Healthcare—focus on African medical education to enhance and update outdated curricula to increase limited educational infrastructure and to reduce chronic resource constraints by increasing student enrollment and retention, thereby, improving faculty shortages.
•Infrastructure—provide access to teleworking and online education that could alter the choices in urban planning and urban-rural linkages.
•Real Estate—the African government has been unable to close the gap between supply and demand for housing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Educate private investors, entrepreneurs, and ordinary people in solving the housing crisis with real estate principles that teach them how to mitigate risk in real estate investing and through strategic decision-making capabilities.
•Agriculture—focus on how the varying kintypes of education affect agricultural productivity and develop and implement policy interventions that will facilitate the use of education to increase agricultural productivity and how the educational level of farmers in Africa can be improved.